Ikwee Hi! I am ikwee. I'm a computer enthusiast and may also be composing music. I enjoy programming and writing articles for my blog. If you need gaming, development, or software help, feel free to contact me via email: [email protected] or skype: ikythetiger1 I am 21 years old and my birthday is July 15th. I live in England. I'm a programmer and I study IT at the University of Birmingham. In my spare time, I enjoy computing and programming. I also play many games on my PC, including Minecraft, Team Fortress 2, "Left 4 Dead", "Spore", "Spore Origins", "Sims 3" and many more games... My blog is called Miniprotl866cssoftwarefreedownload.com.. I regularly post reviews on games, games news, reviews on various apps and applications, hardware reviews, tips & tricks, tutorials. I also write about my computing experiences. My blog is regularly updated so be sure to come back regularly... I have recently started blogging about gaming too at ikweegaming.blogspot.com where I regularly write gaming reviews, share gaming related news and stories..
My main personal site is called ikwee.net but it has now been changed to Ikwee. org. I have made some major changes to my website since starting it. It is now about 1 year old. The current design of the website is very nice so I will keep this layout for a while. The site features a main blog which has all of my latest posts, other blogs, downloads, news and updates so you can keep up to date with everything that's happening on this site (I updated the whole site recently). There are also sections like "Interests" which show all of my areas of interest, including computing, web programming, gaming, music composing and much more. There are also sections called "Minecraft World" and "Email Address" where you can find out about me ... I'm a member of the following forums: My Minecraft World is called "Mined Under The Sea" and I've been playing it since January. In my Computers section, I have a blog called ikweecomputer where I post regularly about anything computing related including hardware, software and tips & tricks... My Gaming section features a blog called ikweegaming where I share my gaming experiences with you guys. This consists of many gaming blogs about the games I play..
This is my new website which has some pretty cool stuff to keep you entertained.. There are online shopping websites, photo galleries, videos, applications, pictures and much more...
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